The first motivation for the creation of the IJA Endowment Fund in 2021 derives from the effects of Brazil's current political and economic moment. In a scenario marked by the scarcity of resources in circulation, the cultural and social market has been directly affected, which requires from us cultural institutions the implementation of strategies that seek long-term sustainability.
We are a family owned and operated business.
The creation of the IJA Endowment Fund in 2021 was based on three pillars:
We are a family owned and operated business.
1. Organized and specialized governance in the application of assets of the equity fund (in the financial, real estate, cultural market, etc.);
We are a family owned and operated business.
2. Organized and specialized governance in the area of operation of the institution for the effective application of the resources generated by the endowment;
We are a family owned and operated business.
3. Transparency in the dissemination of fund results and in the use of resources. Within the item "programmatic investments", four beacons coordinated our actions in these almost fifteen years of activities of the João Ayres Institute, which are: promotion of artistic making, dissemination of art and knowledge, defense of the rights of children and adolescents in situations of social vulnerability, research and development of alternative technologies.
We are a family owned and operated business.
All established actions were constructed always taking into account these guidelines.
Promote the strengthening and development of the Culture Economy
To be a reference institution to promote cultural and social actions in Brazil as a social promotion fund.
Social Fostering
The João Ayres Institute has a growing Heritage Fund that, in the future, will operate through its own equity that includes financial donations, assets, time, services, knowledge, social technologies, among others.
This Heritage Fund will be formed by continuous donations from companies, non-governmental organizations and individuals; and the income generated from it will be used to:
We are a family owned and operated business.
implement own programs;
support projects related to the cause;
operating costs.
We are a family owned and operated business.
To achieve its mission, the IJA Endowment Fund works by strengthening and investing, primarily through edicts, in organizations and leaders committed to the objectives of the João Ayres Institute.
A significant part of the donations made by the IJA Endowment Fund is concentrated in the Northeast region of the country.
The IJA Endowment Fund implements a philanthropic agenda based on ethical values, management effectiveness, transparency and social justice. Its performance can be presented in three major dimensions: social articulation, resource mobilization and programmatic investment.
The first motivation for the creation of the IJA Endowment Fund in 2021 derives from the effects of Brazil's current political and economic moment. In a scenario marked by the scarcity of resources in circulation, the cultural and social market has been directly affected, which requires from us cultural institutions the implementation of strategies that seek long-term sustainability.
We are a family owned and operated business.
The creation of the IJA Endowment Fund in 2021 was based on three pillars:
We are a family owned and operated business.
1. Organized and specialized governance in the application of assets of the equity fund (in the financial, real estate, cultural market, etc.);
We are a family owned and operated business.
2. Organized and specialized governance in the area of operation of the institution for the effective application of the resources generated by the endowment;
We are a family owned and operated business.
3. Transparency in the dissemination of fund results and in the use of resources. Within the item "programmatic investments", four beacons coordinated our actions in these almost fifteen years of activities of the João Ayres Institute, which are: promotion of artistic making, dissemination of art and knowledge, defense of the rights of children and adolescents in situations of social vulnerability, research and development of alternative technologies.
We are a family owned and operated business.
All established actions were constructed always taking into account these guidelines.
Promote the strengthening and development of the Culture Economy
To be a reference institution to promote cultural and social actions in Brazil as a social promotion fund.
Social Fostering
The João Ayres Institute has a growing Heritage Fund that, in the future, will operate through its own equity that includes financial donations, assets, time, services, knowledge, social technologies, among others.
This Heritage Fund will be formed by continuous donations from companies, non-governmental organizations and individuals; and the income generated from it will be used to:
We are a family owned and operated business.
implement own programs;
support projects related to the cause;
operating costs.
We are a family owned and operated business.
To achieve its mission, the IJA Endowment Fund works by strengthening and investing, primarily through edicts, in organizations and leaders committed to the objectives of the João Ayres Institute.
A significant part of the donations made by the IJA Endowment Fund is concentrated in the Northeast region of the country.
The IJA Endowment Fund implements a philanthropic agenda based on ethical values, management effectiveness, transparency and social justice. Its performance can be presented in three major dimensions: social articulation, resource mobilization and programmatic investment.


Created and idealized by Verusca Miranda, Empodera! arrives with the mission of carrying out and supporting actions aimed at empowering women in all aspects, bringing personal development, knowledge and aptitude to all.

Verusca Miranda é mineira, administradora de empresas, Vice-Presidente do Instituto João Ayres e fundadora do Empodera. Há 7 anos reside na Flórida onde se tornou referência como mulher bem-sucedida e como administradora de um grupo de mais de 10.000 brasileiras chamado Mulheres de Orlando.
Seu trabalho a frente do Empodera tem sido amplamente reconhecido pela mídia, por nomes de peso no universo do empreendedorismo feminino e até pelo Consulado-Geral do Brasil nos Estados Unidos. A frente do Empodera consolidou importantes parcerias com marcas de renome como a joalheria Tiffanys, Artefacto, Must University e tantas outras marcas, sempre visando valorizar as mulheres.


O projeto "Mulheres que Empoderam" faz uma compilação da história de vida de mulheres que estão à frente de suas carreiras, objetivos e esforços. Mulheres resilientes que não se abalam diante das crises e, que incrivelmente enxergam esses momentos como oportunidades de crescimento!
Essas mulheres compartilham suas histórias de vida, crenças, suas opiniões a respeito de fatos cotidianos, seus maiores desafios e suas conquistas. Provando assim que a sensibilidade feminina faz a diferença quando se está em qualquer posição.
Elas mostram também que uma mulher está sempre disposta a enfrentar as situações desafiadoras, sem perder o equilíbrio e, principalmente, sem perder de vista o outro, o tão importante lado social e humano.
Registro da 1a edição do Livro Mulheres que Empoderam.

Consulado Geral do Brasil nos USA, recebe os criadores do EMPODERA em Miami
O Empodera teve a alegria de ser acolhido em uma importante troca de idéias propositivas junto ao Embaixador André Ondebreit de Carvalho e ao Cônsul-Geral Adjunto e Chefe do Setor Econômico e de Promoção Comercial do Consulado Geral do Brasil em Miaimi, Cristiano Berbet. O recente encontro visa discutir eventos e campanhas que possam estimular o empreendedorismo feminino.
Verusca Miranda é entrevistada por Patrícia Maldonado
O Empodera teve a alegria de ser acolhido em uma importante troca de idéias propositivas junto ao Embaixador André Ondebreit de Carvalho e ao Cônsul-Geral Adjunto e Chefe do Setor Econômico e de Promoção Comercial do Consulado Geral do Brasil em Miaimi, Cristiano Berbet. O recente encontro visa discutir eventos e campanhas que possam estimular o empreendedorismo feminino.

"O Lugar da mulher é aonde ela quiser."
- Veruska Miranda

conecte-se com
a gente

2295 S. Hiawasse Road Suite 104
Orlando - Florida - FL
We are a family owned and operated business.
Tel: (407) 2767971
We are a family owned and operated business.
We are a family owned and operated business.